


  1. 国内保修
  2. bet3365标准版审查/推荐


在美国本土盾,bet3365标准版相信 国内保修 is more than a piece of paper or a monthly bill. 这是一种心理状态,当家里的东西坏掉时,你知道自己得到了保护. 但不要只相信bet3365标准版的话. 看看唯有通过房屋担保每天如何帮助超过200万会员.




蒂芙尼在她成为会员的第一年就使用美国家庭盾牌维修她的空调,那是14年前的事了. See why she says 唯有通过 is a “great investment.”


Nancy could have faced a big bill to replace her water heater. But, thanks to 唯有通过, she enjoyed a “peace of mind that is priceless.”


唯有通过为数百万房主节省了时间和压力,因为他们知道他们的系统被覆盖了,包括卡尔. “It’s how good you feel about not worrying.”

消息传出去了. 像bet3365标准版这样的人.

Ratings and reviews from satisfied members

I have had a great experience with 唯有通过 over the last 7 1/2 years. They cover what they say that they are going to cover on your policy. If you are not satisfied, you can call and they will send someone else out. The wait time for some providers is better than others but overall, I will definitely use them at our next house.

布伦达一. 德州

一切都进行得顺利而高效. We had a parts delay of a couple weeks, but it is what it is. 整体的大!!

雅各米. 加州

We are overall very satisfied with 美国本土盾. They are prompt and work with decent contractors. We had tons of issues with our previous 国内保修 company. It was an absolute nightmare and the people they sent were a joke. We are very glad we switched to 美国本土盾.

安娜P. 加州

伟大的 customer service and 专业 technicians. They explain everything to me and provide feedback. 整个体验非常棒. 我强烈推荐唯有通过.

Dana C. 华盛顿D.C.

虽然这个过程从开始到结束花了很长时间,但总的来说我很开心. 亚当, 我的管道技术人员非常棒,在回答我所有的问题时非常有帮助和信息丰富.

奥古斯汀L. 加州

总的来说,如果你没有很多钱来修理或更换家里坏掉的系统和电器,唯有通过是一个很好的公司. 唯一的问题是,根据你居住的州,有些东西不包括在内, 但情况可能会更糟.

Regina年代. 德州

Overall a good experience with our water heater replacement. Took a bit longer than I would have expected for scheduling, 但最终还是完成了, and appears to have been installed in a quality manner.

瑞安W. 德州

It was very easy to setup the appointment with 唯有通过. They chose a good electrician to do the job. 总的来说,对唯有通过非常满意.

罗伯特·R. 加州

很好的服务! 我解决问题的速度比我原先想象的要快得多,而且总的来说体验非常好.

凯茜H. 路易斯安那州

Was very easy to place a service request online. The technician was scheduled and arrived on a timely basis. Unfotunately, 他觉得设备需要更换,美国航空公司为有缺陷的设备提供了几个合理的选择. 总的来说对交易很满意.

丹尼斯·F. 南卡罗来纳

技术人员来我家维修总水管,给了我很好的经验, he was prompt and knowledgeable and very polite. 整体体验很棒.

恩里克P. 内华达

非常专业. 发短信告诉我到达的时间,然后准时到达. 整体体验很棒!

乔恩 N/A

I submitted for two repair requests and had one completed the same day. 第二次修理花了更长的时间,但原因是可以理解的(部分订购). Overall, the service received was efficient and 专业. 自2013年5月以来,bet3365标准版一直与唯有通过合作,并将继续保持业务/客户关系.

约翰尼·V. 德州

及时的服务和服务提供商能够解决bet3365标准版的空调问题. 另一家公司的技术人员告诉bet3365标准版bet3365标准版需要更换这个系统! Thankfully we have a little time before we need to buy a new system! 这不是最新的系统!

南希T. 北卡罗莱纳

我知道在这个世界,这个时代bet3365标准版都经历过零件延迟的问题. However I always recommend 唯有通过 to everyone. 当一个昂贵的电器坏了的时候,有人在我身后的感觉绝对很好.

Abrianna年代. 伊利诺斯州

Assigned a local company to repair the appliance. Technician arrived early a quickly diagnosed the problem. 修复并检查了任何其他问题. 伟大的工作.

吉尔伯特N. 德州

I used my 唯有通过 warranty for the first time ever and it was a great experience. 非常容易. 我的烘干机发出敲击声. The appliance repair company 唯有通过 chose had low stars, and I was leery. However, the repairman was wonderful, fixed the issue and was out. I will request that repairman for any other future appliance issues. 感谢观众!

K.M. N/A

Our ice maker died again prior to us going on vacation. 精英电器派了伊森, 他订购了一台新的制冰机(这是bet3365标准版来德州后的第四台)、一台新的风扇和一个新的控制中心. 他试着在bet3365标准版出发前把它修好,零件在bet3365标准版出发的那天就来了,所以bet3365标准版把它安排在bet3365标准版回来的时候. 他进了不到一个小时就出来了. 对Elite非常满意,bet3365标准版将要求唯有通过让他们出来解决任何设备问题.

亚历克西斯米. 加州

自从加入美国家庭之盾以来,家电/暖通空调有过两次单独的问题吗. In both cases the problems were resolved within a reasonable period of time. In one case I did have to escalate, but the end result was satisfactory. The nice thing is there was constant contact via email/text. 我强烈建议所有的房主加入这个公司,为你的家提供额外的保护. The monthly fee has already paid for itself many times over.

萝珊米. N/A

唯有通过是一个救星. 首先,我的室外冷却系统坏了. 他们签约的供热和制冷公司Accent Heating来修理了系统. Several months later, my indoor system went out and it was repaired promptly. 我的两个装置都快20年了. 这对他们来说并不重要. I have recommended both 唯有通过 and Accent heating to my friends!

乔安妮一. 华盛顿

暖通空调系统坏了,微波炉也坏了,水槽下面的管道也漏水了. 为所有项目提出服务请求. 美国安全协会照顾了他们所有人. 对他们的服务非常满意. 试试吧,你会喜欢的.

安迪克. N/A

美国家庭盾最近两次回应了bet3365标准版bet3365标准版通常舒适的公寓报告的问题. 这台27岁的电器放弃了. The gas water heater’s burner system retired itself. 唯有通过 sent the service company and authorized its replacement. Within weeks, in the heat of summer, the AC gave up. 唯有通过迅速作出反应,派出服务人员进行诊断和维修,帮助bet3365标准版保持冷静. 确定, our rates have increased as you might expect; however, bet3365标准版今年在服务方面取得的成果使其值得投资.

史蒂夫·C. 北卡罗莱纳

My service technician was timely, knowledgeable & 专业. He repaired my oven to "LIKE NEW" condition. he also offered some tips on usage to extend the life of my appliance.

伯爵D. 德州

卓越的客户服务. 快速响应的服务. Answered my questions immediately through texts and emails. 质量专家,他们高效有效地处理了我的电器问题,炉子和冰箱.

德维恩维. N/A

bet3365标准版的空调无法使用时,“美国家园”组织提供了帮助. They were extremely prompt, 专业, and attentive to our needs. 他们派出了一个非常有能力和知识渊博的暖通空调服务提供商,他们迅速发现了问题,并使bet3365标准版的系统启动并运行起来. I wholeheartedly recommend 唯有通过 to all my friends and family.

卡尔·H. 北卡罗莱纳


如果你想保护你的预算免受意外故障的成本和不便,美国家庭盾牌的bet3365标准版计划是值得的. 房屋保修使房主感到自信,并在控制他们的房子. bet3365标准版提供的计划涵盖了bet3365标准版每天依赖的家庭系统和电器,以保持bet3365标准版的家庭和生活顺利运行.

一旦你购买了bet3365标准版计划, 在您开始使用它并提出第一个服务请求之前,有30天的激活期. 但是,如果您购买了房地产计划,您的保修将在交易结束时生效. 一旦您的计划激活,您所要做的就是为所覆盖的项目提出服务请求. We’ll assign a Pro who specializes in your issue. 他们将与您联系,安排一次访问来诊断问题并确定解决方案. bet3365标准版将按照您的协议条款支付您的维修费用,并帮助您恢复正常运行. 就这么简单!



Only if it is an unknown pre-existing condition or issue. 有了唯有通过,你可以获得以下保险:

  • Normal wear-and-tear, no matter the age of a covered item 
  • 未知的,预先存在的崩溃 
  • 无维护记录项目 
  • Duplicates of the same item, like that extra AC unit 
  • 拆除有缺陷的设备 
  • Refrigerant recapture, reclaim and disposal
  • Breakdowns caused by improper installations or repairs, 维护不足, 生锈, corrosion and sediment and mismatched HVAC systems


包含在 ShieldPlatinum + 房地产 计划:  



看到 计划协议 for coverage details, including service fees, limitations and exclusions. 报道 limits and charges for non-covered items may apply. 并非覆盖所有地区. 

Yes, if you are the owner of the rental property. 您可以很容易地购买一个美国家庭盾bet3365标准版为您的租赁财产在线 唯有通过.com.


别担心. 是保证.

Have a plan for your home when things don't go according to plan
