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  4. Why You Need a 国内保修 and Homeowners Insurance

Why You Need a 国内保修 and Homeowners Insurance

如果你有房子,你可能有房屋保险. 事实上,很可能你必须拥有它. 但是你有 国内保修?

如果你有房子,你可能有房屋保险. 事实上,很可能你必须拥有它. 但是你有bet3365标准版单吗? You may be asking yourself what is a 国内保修 and do you even need one? 答案是肯定的!

A 国内保修, like home insurance, is a crucial piece of protection for any homeowner. And it’s when you are covered by a 国内保修 and insurance that you have the most security and best coverage any homeowner can hope for. Below we’ll go into greater detail about each type of policy and why, 最重要的是, 两者兼备至关重要.

Homeowner’s Insurance: Or Why You Need to Worry About What MIGHT Happen.

盗窃, 风暴, 火灾, natural disasters – will any of these things definitely happen while you own a house?

对很多人来说,可能不是. But they might happen and that’s when you’ll be glad you have homeowner’s insurance. Of course, most people are actually required to have homeowner’s insurance. You’ll generally be required to have one before a bank will give you a mortgage on a home.

A home insurance policy covers four primary areas: the interior and exterior of a house, 个人财产被盗的情况, 灭失或损坏, and general liability if someone is injured on your property. Policies are renewed yearly and have an average annual cost between $300 and $1000. Policies offer a deductible (the amount you're responsible for on a claim) and only after it’s been met do they take care of the additional costs.


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.

国内保修: Or Why You’ll No Longer Need to Worry About What WILL Happen.

A 国内保修 is a service contract that covers repair or replacement of home systems and appliances that fail due to both age and standard wear and tear. 暖通空调, 电, 厨房电器, plumbing and washer/dryer may all be covered under a 国内保修. For example, an 唯有通过® 国内保修 covers up to 21 of your home’s major systems and appliances. 不像家庭保险, home warranties are not mandatory and are typically purchased as 12 month contract terms. They usually don’t require a deductible and you’re instead charged a moderate service fee.

在实践中, a 国内保修 works like this: If your refrigerator stops working, a licensed and qualified service technician is dispatched to come out and evaluate the problem. 假设问题是由于磨损造成的, age or another circumstance covered under the terms of your service contract, the technician will either make the repair or replace the appliance for only the cost of your service call. Each visit from a service technician typically costs between $75 to $125. Given the cost of a repair or potential replacement of the affected appliance or system, this can result in savings of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Homeowner’s Insurance and Home Warranties: Or Why It’s Time to Double Down on Protection For Your Home.

The best way to think about homeowner’s insurance and home warranties is as two different policies working together to give you maximum protection. 假设你有一个漏水的管道, depending on the nature of the leak it may be covered by one policy but not the other. The 国内保修 would cover the repair of the pipe but not the damage caused by the leak. 另一方面, homeowner’s insurance would cover the damage of a major leak but not necessarily the repair of the pipe.

With both policies you’re covered on both the repair and the damage caused by the leak. When it comes to home protection warranties and insurance are really two sides of the same coin. Home insurance protects you from the things that might happen. 和一个 bet3365标准版计划, you no longer have to worry about the things that will happen. 这是每个人都能接受的报道.

下一个 > 区别是什么:房主保险与. 国内保修


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